To ensure good user experience for both Buyer & Sellers, the following could be some reasons why your ad did not go live. For more information, please click on the links provided below to understand better our posting rules.
Ban Reason: Forbidden Products
OLX does not allow Items or Service which violate the Law and OLX policies. Sellers need to comply with items considered legal or valid for sale in Pakistan.
For details please read this article: Items not allowed on OLX
Ban Reason: Duplicate
Posting duplicate ads are not cool and a definite no-go on OLX. If you post multiple items or even in multiple locations, your ads will be removed and could lead to your access being restricted.
For Details and Tips please read this article: Rejection Reason - Duplicates
Ban Reason: Invalid image
Selfies and images that have no obvious relation or affinity to the ad will be deleted. Images downloaded from the internet (stock images) are not allowed.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Invalid Image
Ban Reason: Invalid price
To ensure a great experience for both Buyers & Sellers on OLX, we only allow ads that have a realistic/reasonable price for the item being sold. Putting a good price for your item helps the buyer to discover your item and contact you to make a deal.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Invalid price
Ban Reason: Bad title
If an ad posted on OLX has incomplete or vague text in the title, we mark it as ‘Bad Title’ and remove it from our website. Having an incomplete or vague title makes it impossible for buyers to find your ad and makes it less likely for you to sell your product.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Bad title
Ban Reason: Bad description
In order to ensure the quality of experience for buyers and sellers on OLX, we do not allow ads with bad descriptions. For us to deliver this superior experience, we need to make sure all ads follow our rules on writing a description.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Bad Description
Ban Reason: Multiple products
In accordance with our policy, we do not allow an ad that contains more than 1 item or service to be sold. All ads that mention multiple items are removed as forbidden.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Multiple products
Ban Reason: Product change
To keep content fresh and relevant for buyers, changing items or services after the ad is published is not allowed. You can post a fresh ad for the new ones. We've made it super fast and easy.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Product change
Ban Reason: Email/Links/Phone numbers
We do not allow URLs or unverified numbers in the title of your ad. However, you may add a URL in the description of your ad as long as it's a link to additional information or to a page with more pictures. We do not allow links that are designed solely to redirect traffic to another website or unverified numbers to increase buyers' trust.
For details please read this article: Rejection Reason - Email/Links/Phone numbers
For any kind of assistance please Contact OLX Customer Service Team
Why my add was rejected
Hi Olx Why my post rejected
Why my ad was rejected ?
Why my add is rejected.
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why my add was rejected???
please tell me why my add was reject??
Please tel me why my add was reject
Please tell me why my add reject
Plz tell me why my ads r prohibited 🚭
Why my Ads are Rejected ?
Why my ads rejected
Why my ads rejected
why my ads rejected
Why my ads rejected
Why my add rejected
What is solution
Why my add was rejected
Why my add was rejection
Why my add was rejected?
If you don't have answer so why did you Block my add.
Kamran Khan
why my post rejected
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