Your safety is just as important to us as it is to you. We have dedicated teams of fraud specialists and moderators working hard every day to prevent fraud on our platform. Unfortunately, a few scams make it through our safeguards. In those situations, we actively work with the relevant authorities.
So, if you have experienced fraud, please follow these steps:
1. Report the scammer or the ad to us on the App or Web. We will investigate it straight away.
2. File a complaint with relevant Authorities
3. Ask them to intimate us so that we can release any information we have on the scammer to them that could help the case, e.g. IP addresses, login details, etc.
4. Ultimately payment, accepting the item, and all other related issues are up to the buyer and seller, and their agreement. That’s why it’s best that you know how to protect yourself when buying or selling online it’s just the smart thing to do.
For further assistance, you may call our helpline 0800-10101 or connect to us via Live Chat.
What about my payment.. scammer use fake location and company cant do anu thing.
Galat location lagai hoi ha bando na . Kion lagi ha location un ka ilala ma raha na location
Ya ap scammer ko pakrao
Es bnde Ko pkro Hmry Sath Fraud Ho gya ha Olx team se Guzarish ha K Es ko Pkra Jaye Plz Help Me😭
40 hazar hua me chalay gai or ap kuch nai karte os bande ke abhi hath pair kat do
8500 ka fraud howa hai es platform pe
8500 ka fraud howa hai es platform pe
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